Thank you to our Active Military and Veterans

There never seem to be enough words of appreciation or gratitude to give to those who risked their lives and limbs on behalf of all the rest of us.  Our military are brave beyond measure and I know that the words “Thank You” are just not enough.

So, let’s give back to these amazing people in ways that show via actions our sincerest gratitude. PARADE magazine listed eleven ways to HELP our Soldiers and Veterans.

Read the eleven ways YOU can help!

PETS for VETS  is a  Win-Win for both Veterans and Shelter Dogs.  Veteran soldiers and their families can sign up for a pet that has been fostered and nurtured in preparation for going to a Forever Home with a military family.  To learn more click here 

Send a soldier a package this holiday season.

 Nothing can compare to being HOME for the holidays, but we can do our little bit to help make soldiers feel a “taste” of home by sending care packages.  Here is a link to do so:

And, if nothing else… consider writing an extra holiday card.  The information is in the poster below.


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