Give Yourself Permission

Looking for answers?

Lately, I have noticed a number of friends and acquaintances struggling with “big decisions”.   Should I take a new job/ go back to college/ change careers? Should we move? How will I pay for my child’s college?  Should I get married/divorced/ pregnant?  This is heavy “stuff”.  I have no magic wand or the ability to predict the future.  However, I do know that sometimes you need to give yourself permission to take a time out from making heavy decisions and enjoy the present.

You are probably thinking I am a nut case right now.  Take time off from making a decision that maybe you feel needed to be decided yesterday instead of tomorrow?  Yes, take a rest.  Regroup. Spend 24 hours enjoying the sunshine, a hike, retail therapy, whatever it takes to recharge your emotional batteries so you CAN make a decision with a clear head versus a heavy heart. And then once you have more ability to think clearly write a list of PROS and CONS.  Place the list away for a few hours or days.   Then come back to your list and check it over. You will probably have the answer(s) you were seeking.

And what to do if you don’t?  How should you proceed if you are more confused than ever? Perhaps that is the time to get “outside help”.  I have listed below some great websites to help anyone who is seeking some expert advice or just information.  And if you need more than is here check out Ask the Expert page or JustASK feature!

I truly hope you will find answers, solace and happiness – sooner than later.

Thanks for reading! ~Louise

♥ Here are great websites I recommendEmma, a SIGNING FAMILIES winner! She is featured on one of our new bookmarks! – I could easily have listed dozens more… Feel free to add a website that you have found to be of great value, too!

For Education/Parenting/ Special Education Assistance

National Association for School Psychologists  

The Coffee Klatch

Early Childhood News

Stop Reacting- Start Responding


The Family Coach

Annie Fox – Ask Terra

Our Journey Thru Autism

Autism Speaks

Spirit of Autism


Caregivers Support / Issues related to Seniors and Caring for Family Members

Business Assistance/ Self-Help/ Personal Empowerment

Ann Dunnewold- Psychologist

Liysa Callsen- Positive Positioning

Astrid Stomberg- Brilliant Essence  (also psychic readings)

Work Smart Lifestyle

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