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Parenting Children with Special Medical Needs

Through the years I have worked with families who have been put to a great parenting test –  raising a child with difficult health needs. Whether it is a child with a disease that is most often treatable, such as asthma to the disabling and terminal diseases, such as Tay-Sachs, the worry, fear and fatigue of dealing with medical jargon and doctors is daunting.  As a Psychologist, I never seemed to have at my finger tips a good reference to help  parents that they could digest in the quiet of their own home.  That is why I was pleased to receive and view Parenting Children with Special Medical Needs: Love and Logic Tools for Raising Resilient Kids.  This two DVD series by Foster Cline, MD, Lisa Green and Charles Fay, PhD – is full of practical tips and solid information for parents who find themselves with a chronically ill child.

There are no bells and whistles with this DVD.  You won’t see a fancy video montages nor will you see a glossed over approach to the topics presented.  Some sections are heart wrenching, such as hearing a parent talk about learning to love again after the death of their child.  Others parts include very timely issues – such as when a child is bullied because of their disease.

This video will help to provide parents with resources and some “food for thought”.  Also, there is complimentary information available at the end of the video.

I plan on donating this video to a local library in order to make it available to any parent who is searching for any and all information to help negotiate the difficulties of parenting a child with special medical needs.

To order the DVD yourself, please go to

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