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The Genius of Ava Parnass and Friends

Our giveaway is complete! Thanks to all who participated.  Winners announced below!



Some people are gifted musicians. Others are amazing storytellers. And a  few can help those who truly are in desperate need.  Wrap together the musician, storyteller and the person with a heart to help others and you have one Ava Parnass.  I first became interested in the person who tweets as @ListenToMePleas  because she often was tweeting  with vigor and offering great advice for her “followers”.  Then I noticed she was engaging many online to have REAL conversations in the social media milieu. This piqued my interest as only a select few really want to have meaningful online banter while most just wish to share their favorite meal of the day or sport score update. So, I decided to research Ms. Parnass which resulted in my learning about her brilliance with her writing of children’s books, her creation of music to help soothe and calm children with angst and her amazing spirit to give to other much  more than she receives.

Then something happened which was not expected. I received a note from Ava herself asking if she could learn more about the new experts group forming, 411 Voices, asking if she could participate. Duh- yeah!  And that my friends is the power of how social media can create business relationships and friendships.  Now, as part of 411 Voices,  Ava Parnass shares her brilliance with the friends of 411 Voices daily as it is her tunes that lead in to our radio shows!

Now let’s talk about the wonderful writing and creativity of Ava Parnass. In particular, I would love to discuss her three books, Listen to Me Please,  Time IN  Not – Time OUT! (with Dr. Ron Taffel and Kat Kiminski)  , My Feelings Are Hungry and  Where Did My Good Mood Go?  All of these are adorable books with amazing verse and illustration that pack an intellectual punch! Not to mention that each comes with a solid story to help children express their feelings. Listen to Me Please is a book that should sit on the shelves of libraries and pediatric counseling offices everywhere.  It acts as a script for parents to use to help their children understand the ups and downs of family life. I really liked how parents were offered messages to use in order to help allay their child’s concerns or calm disruption within the home.  Moreover,  it also has garnered the attention of the folks at Nickelodeon, as it is scheduled to be featured in the Nick Jr. Magazine this coming Fall.

When asked how Ava would describe her collection this is what she wrote, ” Our books and songs are entirely devoted to helping parents have fun while improving their child’s behavior, tantrums and/or overeating for the better. Since children learn how they feel through playing, talking, listening, reading, singing, and dancing; our different products reflect the way kids learn. We want to help parents achieve their goal of raising kind, loving, fun, well-behaved children. Read the books, sing and dance to the songs, and have fun while learning that feelings are hiding underneath behavior and need to be talked about so behavior improves.”

I couldn’t have summarized it any better!

*******To be eligible to win a FREE copy of Listen to Me Please comment below.  We will pick a random winner on Friday, July 22nd 

To learn more about these great reads go to Ava Parnass’ site.  Listen to Me Please

To listen to her music which also is a wonderful asset to classrooms and homes click here.

Visit her on the 411 Voices website 

And stay tuned, as this woman is just getting started. She has a television pilot in the works and I happened to have sneaked a peek! You will LOVE IT!

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