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What I Didn’t Learn in Typing Class

I have always been interested in learning about the world around us.  How to garden.  Fix a car.  Why cows can’t wait until 9 a.m. to be milked?  However, it is safe to say that I was not a fully present high school student in classes that were not highly engaging. Mainly, I hated classes that involved repetitious and boring work. Maybe it was my undiagnosed ADHD that was getting in the way of my enjoying the required New York regents courses. Probably not.  And most of all –  I hated to learn to type!  Quite honestly, I would have been a better student if born in the 1990’s then in the 1950’s.

I can only guess about how my learning would have been different if I was born in 1990 versus 1959.  Here is what I THINK may have been the difference.  I really would have loved a class in computers. I know that the internet would have saved me countless hours of searching through the local library for books that were already checked out.  Also, I would have enjoyed adding to my schedule classes like Filmmaking, Photography, Art History, Arabic, Chinese and Small Businesses 411. Of course, I can take those classes now at a local community college or recreation program.  However,  I feel like I am playing an endless game of catch-up.  So much to learn, so little time.

People sometimes ask me what I wish I had learned before I started SIGNING FAMILIES.  The list is pretty extensive.  Basically, I wish I had taken a basic business course in college, including accounting, marketing and how to write press releases.  Just last week I had to beg a favor from a friend to write a press release for me. (A shout-out to Shara from

Enough belly-aching about my lack of business knowledge.  Tomorrow, I will enhance my learning by making a trip to the public library and going directly to the card catalog! Whoops- meant to say sit at a computer and conduct an online library search!  Yep- I have a lot to learn!



Sorry to say goodbye to American Idol Contestant- James Durbin. He will be greatly missed.  I hope his career soars akin to Daughtry!   

SIGNING FAMILIES has a NEWSLETTER.  Not a boring one, as we already have determined that boring does’t sell!  So, if you wish to partake in a GROOVY newsletter where ASL signs, great resources, fun video and maybe a giveaway or two will be offered click HERE

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