Site icon Louise Masin Sattler


I have written now a few blogs about women who I admire because of their fascinating, inspiring and amusing blogs. Today, I want to feature blogs that are dedicated to our friends within the special education community. As an educator, I admire the people who are in the trenches of special education beyond measure.  These are three of my favorite blogs….maybe they will become yours, too!

Tiffani Lawton is the mom, educator and drive behind one of the best websites for families living with a child with Autism (or on the spectrum).  Tiffani recently described OJTA as follows, “Where professionals and parents meet up…. We bring in the private practice community like OT, PT, ST, Sound Therapy, etc.  We bring in personal perspectives from individuals on the spectrum.  We have mama’s sharing their journey.  We have holistic moms sharing their resources.”

Tiffani is tireless.  She makes my ADHD self seem in slow motion.  Tiffani has added a short-radio program and  teleclasses to her platform.  This is a must visit site!

Bravo to this dynamo and please support her efforts by connecting the following way:

The Spirit of Autism is another site generated by the love of a parent and dedicated to helping others.  What makes this site extraordinary is that the author is also a paramedic!  I have used the amazing materials for First Responders on this website to help others in the medical field understand how to approach a child with autism who during a critical incident or a disaster.  I adore this website and think that Debi’s spirit is contagious.  Although a niche, this site should be considered a “must bookmark”.  Educators take note- there is tons of info here for you , too!

Follow Debi on Twitter as @spiritofautism

The Coffee Klatch is what is RIGHT about social media.  Had it not been for TWITTER (@TheCoffeeKlatch or #TCK) I would never have discovered this amazing group.

This group is a wealth of information for so many!  A group of parents and experts joining together to be a support and resource for each other! Their social media presence is second to none. On Twitter they conduct frequent forums open to anyone with the hashtag #TCK.  Topics range from information about different disorders,  to educational assessment, to behavioral strategies recommended by parents and professionals-  and much more!  Also, they have a presence of FACEBOOK and BLOG TALK RADIO. Note- If you want to know the pulse of what parents are asking or need – look no further than this organization!

Please feel free to add your favorite special education blogs in the comment section!

ALSO… I am proud to announce the launch of  See my video describing this site in voice and ASL here:

ALSO…. read a ton of my favorite women bloggers on the *NEW* HerInsight website:

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